For growing children and pregnant women!
For busy modern people! For a special day special!
Take Healthy Life from 100% Domestic Natural Comb Pen Shell prestige scallop~
Scallop helps growing children and pregnant women because it contains
high protein (18.2g per 100g), low fat (1.1g per 100g), low calorie
(70kcal per 100g), iron (32mg per 100g) and iron (6.5mg per 100g).

Comb Pen Shell, the King of Clam
Size of Comb Pen Shell is large enough to be called the King of clam and is called Comb Pen Shell because its appearance resembles the key that winnow grain.
Scallop, the muscle that opens and close the shell, is not only size but also taste is good, and is popular. It is a marine product
that has received King’s precious treats from ancient times because of its delicate flavor and lavish flavor of clam.
Comb Pen Shell has largest amount of nutrients such as zinc, iron, minerals and vitamins. Especially, zinc has 12.8mg per 100g among fish and shellfish.
It is rich in protein that is helpful for diet and muscle exercise. Comb Pen Shell contains 994mg per 100g of taurine, andit is good for postpartum cooking and fatigue recovery of pregnant women because it has blood-purifying action. It is also useful for protecting an abused liver.
In addition, it is good to eat it with sweet and sour sweetness in spring when it is easy to lose taste. Foods that are compatible with Comb Pen Shell is the bell pepper that are rich in vitamins A and C which are insufficient in Comb Pen Shell. Having them together will be able to consume protein and vitamins at the same time.